The solution for ASUS S400CA series computers unable to access the Internet is as follows:

ASUS S400E3217CA

Mode Can the network cable connected directly to the computer be connected to the Internet?

1. The network cable connected through the Modem can be connected to the Internet. Check whether the router can be used to access the Internet on other computers.

The network cable connected through the Modem cannot access the Internet. Please contact your ISP to solve the problem.

2. Other computers can access the Internet. Are the laptop network cards and wireless network cards working properly?

Other computers cannot access the Internet. Restore the router to factory settings and reset the computer and router IP addresses. Can you access the Internet?

Can access the Internet, but there is a problem with the router settings. Unable to access the Internet, contact the router manufacturer to resolve the issue.

3. The laptop network card and wireless network card work normally, check the network settings.

Laptop network card and wireless network card are not working properly. Reinstall the network card and wireless network card driver.

4. The network settings are correct. Reinstall the operating system. If the problem is not solved, contact the ASUS service center for testing.

The network settings are incorrect. Reset the network connection. If the problem is not solved, contact the ASUS service center for testing.

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